I'd appreciate your help getting the word out about this event.AWARE-LA is offering its workshop series on building white anti-racist practice and community in an intensive, 4-day institutefor white people.The institute invites white people to deepen their self-awareness and build community with other white people takingup work for racial justice. Through personal reflection, small and large group dialogue, and experiential activities, thisinstitute offers an opportunity for white people to explore the meanings of whiteness, white privilege and multipleidentities, how to resolve guilt and shame, systemic white supremacy, and building an anti-racist identity and practice.
WHEN: July 22-25, 2010
WHERE: Los Angeles, CA
COST: $200 if registered before April 30th, $225 after April 30
This four-day experiential workshop series invites participants to explore seven distinct topic areas:
Historical Assimilation into Whiteness - Becoming “white” didn’t happen the same way for all European groups. How did the experiences differ? What impact does this have on different groups? Understanding how our assimilation history affects how we view race can help us when in conversations in diverse groups.
The White Supremacist System - Racism is not just about individuals’ ideas and actions. White supremacy is a systematic way of organizing the world that privileges one group at the expense of others. How do we participate in the maintenance of this system unknowingly? What can we do about it once we become aware?
White Privilege - U.S. society does not usually ask white people to explore how race affects our lives. Without honestly grappling with this question we often fail to recognize the various ways we receive social and economic benefits based on being seen as part of the white group.
The Many Aspects of Ourselves - We are more than just our race, our class, our gender, our sexual orientation, etc. We are an interrelated mix of our multiple social identities and each has an impact on how we experience the world. An essential step, however, is attending to both the areas where we may feel oppressed and also staying responsible for areas where we experience privilege.
Guilt and Shame - Two common emotions that arise when we learn about our history of racism and privilege are guilt and shame. These emotions often lead to paralysis and an inability to effectively participate in movements for change. Working through negative emotions is essential to building a solid anti-racist practice.
Building an Anti-Racist Practice - A key to creating a viable and sustainable anti-racist practice is forming a community that is similarly striving. Within a community we can develop and practice skills, hone our analysis, be challenged, and find support. This institute invites the creation of this type of community.
Who should come to this institute? All self-identifying white people interested in contributing positively to race relations in the U.S. - This experience is essential for educators, students, school administrators, social workers, community organizers, social justice activists, and all those invested in building equitable multiracial communities.
How will participants benefit? Increased knowledge and skills to: recognize racism in interpersonal interactions and institutions, engage in constructive dialogue about race, build an anti-racist community, and build confidence to disrupt racism in action.
Email stochluk@msmc.la.edu if you'd like to register.