Saturday, January 10, 2015

Multicultural Teaching Institute 2015

Last June, the first (what I hope will be annual) Multicultural Teaching Institute offered me tremendous insight into how teachers at the early grades need to be aware of issues affecting transgendered students. I had no idea! So much great collaborative learning took place, it was really inspiring. This upcoming June 2015 I will be a part of this conference again, and I'm truly looking forward to learning from the other presenters. Take a look at the Institute's website to learn more. Registration is now open. I hope to meet you there.

A hands-on, collaborative conference to provide real-world tools in multicultural teaching for teachers of pre-k through grade 12.

Teachers will:
  • engage in creating multicultural lessons and teaching practices
  • develop a deeper understanding of personal limitations and blind spots in teaching
  • expand ability to critically evaluate self and practices within the classroom
  • reflect on personal experience and implicit biases

1 comment:

  1. Dear Shelly,

    Hi, there, Shelly! It is so, so wondrously wonderful to read your great and inspiring blog post articles again, sister-I am just so, so very thrilled and overjoyed, and what a nice blessing to have your great articles to read, learn from, and enjoy! Sister, I think this pre-K through grade 12 curriculum for trangender students is just fantastic and is very life-saving and life enhancing! As difficult as my life has been as a lesbian black woman who is disabled with multiple disabilities living on a low, fixed income in disability benefits, my life is easier than our transgender sisters and brothers because I am not a transgender person. I feel so incredibly blessed, sister. I know that life can be difficult for me coming from a very abusive and dysfunctional family background, and I stay away from my family of origin to keep me safe-I have not had contact with them since I left Ohio in September 1990, I have so much to be grateful for, like graduating in May 2010 from the University Of Iowa here where I live in Iowa City, Iowa with my B.A. Degree as a Women's Studies Major and receiving my Sexuality Studies Certificate. I have been receiving my disability benefits since my late twenties and I hope to get better as soon as I can to put my degree to good use for me and for others. I had attended the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor when I was a lot younger in the early 1980s, but I had personal problems and withdrew from Michigan back then, finally transferring to the UI when I had gotten much older. I have so, so very many blessings. I have my many white sisterfriends who I love so, so very much and cherish, and who are my family of choice and my very heart!!!!!! I have a marvelous open and affirming church that I have belonged to for decades where I can be an open, rejoicing and proud Christian lesbian woman, and I so love and cherish my church friendsfamily there. I have my very many, many 12-Step programs I belong to as a recovering and a healing person, and I so love my friends from the meetings. I have it so, so very much easier than our transgender sisters and brothers. I want to be a loyal and very supportive ally for our transgender sisters and brothers, and to learn more about these dear people who face such oppression, hatred, and discrimination.

    Shelly, I am just so, so very overjoyed to read your great and super articles again, and to be blessed and delighted with your superb writings! What a joy and blessing you are to me, and to others as a true blue sister to not only be as a lesbian black woman but also to other black and nonwhtite persons, and to LGBT persons. Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you for always, Shelly!

    Very Warmly and Sincerely For Always, my sister, and Blessings and Even More Blessings To You For Always, my sisterfriend,

    Your Christian lesbian black sisterfriend for always in solidarity, Sherry Gordon
